Promoting secularism since 2016
We began in 2015 as a bunch of atheists, agnostics, humanist and free thinkers. Today, we’re a registered atheists organisation.that works for an open society and a secular state with no religious privilege or discrimination based on religion or belief.
Here is a look at our transformation over the last 9 years.

Humble beginnings
A few young and brave Kenyans (atheists, agnostics, skeptics, humanists and free-thinkers) submitted an application for the legal registration of the Atheists In Kenya Society. ,

Feb 17, 2016
Official Registration

29th April, 2016
Registration Suspended
Attorney General Githu Muigai suspends the registration of the Atheists In Kenya Society following complaints from the clergy. The AG say the society would remain suspended until all the legal questions around the legitimacy of the group are addressed by the Supreme Court.

August, 2016
Harrison Mumia moves to Court
Harrison Mumia, the President of the Atheists In Kenya Society files a case at the High Court challenging the suspension of the society by the Attorney General.

Jan 25, 2019
Court quashes suspension
The High Court through Justice Chacha Muita quashes the suspension of Atheist in Kenya society.

Sep 18, 2022
Petition Seeking To Declare the Atheists In Kenya Society Unconstitutional Filed
Former Juja Member of Parliament, Stephen Ndichu petitioned the High Court to suspend the registration of Atheists In Kenya society. Cites Preamble of the Kenyan Constitutioon.

Dec 5, 2024
Justice Lawrence Mugambi dismissed Petition seeking to Declare the Atheists In Kenya Societ
Former Juja Member of Parliament, Stephen Ndichu, has petitioned the High Court to suspend the registration of Atheists In Kenya society.
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